Reviewing the Tumblr themes

Tumblr has found appeal among bloggers and netizens in general because more than 11 million Tumblogs have received more than billion views. With the rising popularity, there is so much talk about their various features. However I wish to discuss one of the really unique feature i.e. the Tumblr themes.

Tumblr has very fascinating themes in various categories like art, animal print, black and white, collage, checkered themes, emothemes, color layouts, pop art, vintage, hearts, girls, guys and much more stylish themes which are being used by more than 3 million user. These backgrounds have the finesse, a touch of suave excellence and completion to them. Thats why they are so popular and appealing to the bloggers. The process to select themes, backgrounds and layouts without tampering the look of the content is extreme easy and handy for the bloggers looking for more efficient and attractive themes to be customized for their own blogs. Some themes like tumbledesk, redux, fluid, penguin and perfs are very well stylized and must-check-out themes for the bloggers.

The layouts available in Tumblr are pretty much ready to use. Yet mere selection of th layout wouldnt really make your blog impressive enough for your visitors to stay. It would probably make your blog one of the various blogs using same layout. However, for the man with the plan, this layout can be found useful to customize it as per your and your viewers needs. The Tumblr designers have created these layouts with a clear thought of providing custom-made theme layouts in mind that can help your blog to stand out as a memorable one with the individualistic character of its own.

If you have seen the wide array of Tumblr themes and liked a particular one, the follow the following process for getting it on your blog.

1.Log in your Tumblr account.

2.Select the “customize” link.

3.Go into the themes section,

4.In the themes section, click on the Use custom HTML and paste the code of your stat counter before the code of the closing body HTML tag.

5.Click on the save changes to confirm the update of the theme of your account.

This process is really simple and clear. The best part is as long as you know the theme and you have a vision for your blog, it would give and excellent background and layout to your blog that would promote your blog among the visitors significantly.

With the blogging platform as effective and beneficial as Tumblr, people are not only applying these themes to their WordPress blogs but also using the Tumblogs for the rest of the features that add the edge and appeal to the blogs. There are so many powerful aspects of the Tumblogs that this space isnt really enough. So I am leaving it for some other time. All the best with your blogs guys!

Tumblr theme